This page last changed on Jun 17, 2005 by orogers.

Perforce Configuration Examples

Example using defaults:
<sourcecontrol type="p4">

Full example:

<sourcecontrol type="p4">

Configuration Elements:

Node Description Type Required Default
view The perforce 'view' to check for changes. For 'multi-line' views, use a comma-separated list. 'Exclusionary' view lines starting with - cannot be used. Use a Filtered Source Control Block to achieve this behaviour. Note that this view is not used for syncing (see below.) string true n.a.
executable The location of the Perforce command line client executable string false p4.exe in path
client The perforce 'client' to use string false Perforce environment setting
user The perforce user to use string false Perforce environment setting
port The perforce hostname and port to use string false Perforce environment setting
applyLabel Whether to apply a label on a successful build, defaults to false bool false false
autoGetSource Whether to automatically 'sync' the latest changes from source control before performing the build. The sync target is the entire view exposed by the specified client - the view has no effect on sycning. bool false false
forceSync If autoGetSource is set to true, then whether to use the -f option to sync. See here for more details boolean no false
p4WebURLFormat Creates a link to the P4Web change list page for each detected modification. The specified value is transformed using String.Format where the first argument ({0}) will be the substituted change list number false n.a.

Client / User / Password / Port usage

You may specify any of the Perforce client, user and port (ie 'host:port' in Perforce standards) settings to use. If you don't specify them, then Cruise Control .NET will use the defaults in your registry (use 'p4 set' to view and edit these.) NB: If you use a user with a non-empty password, you must use the user specified in the registry, and its password must be set in the registry too. This is done whenever you use 'P4Win' and tell it to remember your password.

Note that the client specification is only used for syncing and applying labels, it is not used when checking for changes. This is significant since it means that the view in the specified client does not effect the plugin's behaviour when checking for changes.

Perforce Issues

Perforce cannot apply purely numeric labels, which is what CCNet uses by default. Therefore, if you have 'applyLabel' set to true, you must also setup a custom Labeller in your project, e.g. by using the Default Labeller.
Document generated by Confluence on Jun 26, 2005 17:22